Charles University, Faculty of Science, Prague, Czechia



Our research is currently funded by the following grants/agencies:

● Czech Science Foundation (GA23-06638S): Schistosoma mansoni egg-secreted proteins: a comparative approach to identify bioactive molecules of a human parasite (2023-2025)

● Czech Science Foundation (GA24-11031S): Swimmer’s itch: From detection to protection (2024-2026)

Charles University Grant Agency (B-BIO 405022): Impact of amyloid β on viability of neuropathogens in the context of the infectious hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease development (2022-2024)

Charles University Grant Agency (B-BIO 283823): The effect of tapeworm infection on the growth and metastasis of tumours (2023-2025)

Charles University institutional funding: COOPERATIO BIOLOGY (2022-2026), UNCE24/SCI/011 (2024-2029), SVV 260678/2023)

Department of ParasitologyFaculty of ScienceCharles University
Address: Viničná 7, 12844 Prague 2, Czechia (see the map)

Lead contact: